Altadamen Holding Group


Our company is a pioneer in the field of investment and development in Libya


Foundation : 2020/12/13

Tel (General Manager) : 0912099964

Phone : 0912099963


General company email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Company objectives:


1 Establishing subsidiary companies, or controlling the management of other companies, or contributing to their capital.

2. Investing its funds in stocks, bonds and securities.

3. Establishing and managing funds and investment portfolios.

4. Providing loans, guarantees and financing to its subsidiaries.

5. Owning patents, trademarks, concessions, and other intangible rights, and exploiting and leasing them to its subsidiary companies or to others.

It is also permissible for the holding company, in accordance with Article (251) of Law No. (23 of 2021) regarding commercial activity, to provide loans, guarantees and financing to its subsidiary companies or to authorize these companies to carry out these operations between them, all with the following conditions:

• That the process be justified by the real practical need for it.

• That the process takes place normally and does not include unusual conditions in such operations

• It should not result in harm or fatigue to the company that is in it, and that the latter should receive an interview or real returns from this process

• The process should not be based on tax considerations or taking into account the personal interests of those in charge of managing the companies concerned

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